Saturday 29 September 2007

I started of my day in a quite chipper mood today, I was at the post office at 7.30 this morning to pick up a parcel. As my postman doesn't seem to know how doorbells work... Bizarre. I don't think its just my postman, asking around everyone at work seems to have the same problem, so it may be a Derby thing.

So I sat down when I got home,with a strong cup of coffee and opened it and too my surprise, wrapped in pink tissue paper was the cupcake I won on Julie's blog. It was made to my specification with pink icing and a baby blue flower. Included was a lovely thank you card, with a moo card on the front and stickers inside.

I'm so thrilled, Julies knitted bits are so hard to get hold of and was the first blog I started reading on a regular basis.

My new cupcake once it's had a trip to work will take pride of place on my dresser with my vintage Easter egg moulds and my nanna's china.

I've not really got any crafty pictures of my own to show today, as I completely missed the light. But I've made a stripy cushion cover and two cafetiere covers on my knitting machine today.I've also knitted a forest green scarf and I'm half way thought a hand knitted scarf in a gorgeous Italian fancy yarn.

I thought I'd end this entry with a picture showing you how much my brothers puppy has grown, shes so beautiful. I'd better mention he's not got one huge hand, he just can't sit still.

Saturday 22 September 2007

Today was my first day off for over a week and I've been working 12 hour days getting some overtime in ready for my holidays.

You'd think that by today I'd be ready for a rest, but no I was wide awake by 6.30 this morning thinking about a pincushion tutorial I saw online at work yesterday. (while on a break, not while I was working you understand)

I had some cafetiere covers which when I felted them were too small to be cafetiere covers. I'd had an idea to maybe use them on cushion covers as pockets but at 6.30 this morning I'd located them in my overflowing craft room and started cutting them up.

Now I'm not that proud of my results, the sections could be more even but my mum likes hers and I got them finished before 8 this morning.They're a quick make and not that much effort.More practise is in order but I'll defiantly be doing these again.

I've also taken some pictures today of my newly finished corsages most of which I'll be putting on flickr then on Etsy. I've not been on flickr for ages but I do find it hard working full time, making things and keeping up to date with my posting and photography.

I've also had some good news my brothers a bit of a web designer and he's designed me a shop so I can start selling in English pounds. Which will be nice because most of the people I've spoken to about Etsy are put off by the dollar thing. I'm getting the full reveal tomorrow so I'll tell you how it looks and maybe I'll get the link installed on my blog by next weekend.

Now I'm going to leave you with a final look at one of my pincushions.

The teal one is the one my mum chose, as her thank you for colouring my hair present.

Tuesday 18 September 2007

New Necklaces

I spent most of my evening yesterday crafting. I've made lovely new necklaces using my new findings that I splashed out on at the Knitting show.

The black one I'm saving for myself but all the rest will be up for grabs on my etsy store by the weekend. Well they will be if I manage to get some time to myself.

I'm busy, busy, busy at work doing overtime but off all weekend and that's what is getting me through my 12 hour days.

I've just shared some of my necklaces here but all my other pictures will some be uploaded at Flickr- follow my link, have a look....

Sunday 16 September 2007

Pretty Things from the Knit Show

I went to the knit show on Thursday and my Mum and I had so much fun.

The first year we went to the knitting and stitch show at the NEC it was full of older ladies in very unattractive knitted suits with pleated skirts. This year it wasn't like that at all it was fantastic.

As well as the independent shops selling very cheep bead findings and wools there were independent crafters showing what they do it was very inspirational.

My Mum and I did a tutorial on coil pots which I'll defiantly be having a go at when I've got some spare time.

We also did the Rowan and Paton's fashion show where the knitting was lovely. When we went in we got free bags full of fun things like a pack to make Innocent smoothie hats for charity.

We also got a book showing all the Paton's knit patterns that they currently do. The fashion show did inspire me to buy two new Rowan knit books of which I really love the Kid silk dreams book I'll be knitting this on my holidays in November and I can't wait.

I didn't buy the yarn to go with the patterns but I've a very fine cream mohair which I will use instead.

I was very restrained on Thursday and didn't buy any yarn at all. There were plenty of fancy yarns that tempted me but that would of meant lots more odd balls in my stash. I did however buy new beads which I'll be using later today to make some pretty necklaces and bracelets.

Then I bought some new jewellery findings and corsage backs which will also be used this afternoon. Both my mum and I had lovely day and I carn't wait for next year.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

just a quick note

I'm still very excited about winning Julies cupcake draw I've told everyone I've ever met.

Tomorrow morning first thing I'm off to the NEC to visit the Knitting and stitch show and I can't wait. I hope its not going to be a disappointment.

I've got a list of things I desperately need and I'm not going to deviate from it....... unless I see something I love, which is quite possible.

So I've got my sensible shoes ready to go and I've bought croissants and damson jam tonight, as my mum's arriving at 7.30 for breakfast.

It should be a fun day and I'll share all my goodies with you when I get back.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

I've had such an exciting week, I've had lots of sales this weekend unfortunately not on Etsy but to friends. So this morning I've been gift wrapping. It gives me such a buzz when I've made something that other people want to own. I've managed to sell six necklaces,two cafetiere covers and two corsages.

I've also managed to get new things crafted;

I'm not sure if I'm going to be putting these in my Etsy shop or if I'm going to have an open house in November at my house.

My Moo cards arrived on Saturday morning very pleased with them but the picture I'm showing you isn't that great.

This morning I got the best surprise I won a cupcake made by Julie at;

She makes the most adorable cakes and soft toys I've ever seen in my life please go and check out her blog.

So I've had a fabulous week and it can only get better isn't life good.

By the way this is the blue scarf I was making a week or so ago all felted and finished.

Thursday 6 September 2007


Today has been a busy day I've been making card's to display my corsages. I've been finishing corsages I started making months ago, listing new items on etsy, arranging a custom order for my friend from work and puppy sitting.
So please forgive my photography this evening.

My brothers puppy is so bouncy she's a cocker spaniel and only about 14 weeks old. She's very naughty but can also be very very good. Currently her favorite place to rest is my mum's flower beds which doesn't impress my mum much.
I've been finishing the centers to my corsages so once I've taken some good photographs I'll be adding them to my shop.

I've also added some jewellery to my Etsy shop which can be seen below;

I've really got to get organised with my shop and maybe start selling on eBay again as I've so much stuff that needs photographing. I'm off all weekend, so fingers crossed I'll get some work photographed and listed.

Tuesday 4 September 2007


I don't know where the week has gone. I do know I did lots of extra shifts at work last week which now means I've got almost every Saturday off in September. This is a huge bonus, two day weekends are fab.

Today I'm not really going to post anything crafty but I'm going to share what I did last Thursday.

I went charity shop shopping with my mum and even through I wasn't going to purchase anything I found this fantastic tea set for £2.75, with tiny pink roses and a gold trim. There's 13 pieces in all and I love it. D isn't quite so impressed but I won't be having afternoon tea with him as he's far too manly for cucumber sandwiches.

I found a lovely knitting book with toys and cake instructions, which I'll have a go at this autumn.

I also got a couple of old sewing boxes which were filled with vintage buttons and threads but I was so eager to sort them out I haven't got any photos.

Next time I post I'll have some knitting to show I promise.