Tuesday 31 July 2007

working hard at getting organised

Dino's still at his mum's and so I'm still home alone trying to get organised. I've been finishing off some cafetiere covers and other ongoing projects while waiting for my confirmation email to arrive from etsy.
I've also been taking photos of my work and I'm quite pleased with how my photo's have turned out. My digital camera won't down load to my computer I've been using my mobile phone instead. The pictures have turned out really clearly.

I've also managed to get some of my corsages and jewellery taken. I fell so much better about my work now as the pictures have turned out so well. Please if anyone is reading this let me know what you think so i can improve on them.
My next project will be getting my new cushion covers finished. They are a purple/ blue wool which I sewed together then felted. The next step is to get some bright red flowers knitted then I'll be finishing them with white buttons .
You can see my new photos at ; http://www.flickr.com/
via lupincottagedesigns.

Saturday 28 July 2007

goodbyes and tidying

Today lovely Dino has left me to stay with his mother for a week and a half in Kosovo. I'll miss him far too much. He'll be pampered all week and will come back so spoiled after not having to lift a finger I won't be able to do anything with him.
I'm looking forward to uninterrupted knitting and organising time. As you can see I'm in dire need of some time to get a little more organised round here....

My studio has been neglected for a while and has got quite messy to the point where my stash has extended on to the landing. So I'm using this weekend for a good old tidy up.

Dino had found two bin bags full of wool down the cellar last week and it all needs sorting. When I opened the bags they were full of odd balls of wool and all my really fancy yarns which had been missing since we moved 18 months ago. I think he'd hidden them on purpose.

I started by colour co-ordinating them in bags but I don't think this is going to work for me as when I knit I like to see what other yarns I have so I can get inspiration for my next project some times I've so many ideas floating around I can disappear for whole weekend which is great when its football season but not so great when I should be spending time with Dino.

My tidy up quickly down spiraled into a 5 hour knitting session where i manages to knit five new cafetiere covers for my etsy shop which if all goes to plan will be open by next week.
I love the storage unit that I got for my last birthday this is where I keep all my cones of yarn just where I can see them.
This evening I have a decadent evening planned of sewing wine and chocolate. The plan is to get all my new items finished enough for washing tomorrow morning as it looks like it's going to be another sunny day.
I also started sorting out my jewellery which hasn't seen the light of day since I did a craft fair a few months ago every thing needs labeling, photographing and measuring.
At least with all the work I've planned i won't have time to miss Dino too much!

Wednesday 25 July 2007

bags and baking

This week my brothers celebrated his 26th birthday he had a party last saturday his local pub with party games and fairy cakes. I was honored with the job of creating 200 fairy cakes for 60 of his closest friends.
Rob did get the best birthday present ever for himself and his girlfriend which was the cutest cocker spaniel pup which they've called Tiff she is so gorgeous I think I've fallen in love...
I've finished knitting three more bags one in a pale blue boucle with multi coloured flecks, one pale blue brushed acrylic bag with a patterned lace detail and one mohair purple bag this week as well as a new scarf. I've just got to get them lined and they'll be ready to go.
Today I've started a new set of cushion covers in a purple blue wool on my knitting machine which eventually will have embroidery and flowers once I've felted them.
While watching heroes on BBC2 I also managed to knit half a bag in the pales pink mohair which promises to be very pretty when finished I've changed my design slightly and think i may thread a ribbon round the body of the bag.
This description of my weeks work makes it sound as if I've knitted loads, but really what I've been doing is finishing projects that have been lying around for months. It is so satisfying to get things finished and organised because then I can start new projects like the cushion covers I started this evening.

Wednesday 18 July 2007

I've been reading blogs for while now and have really enjoyed reading about other peoples creative lives...

I decided to start my own blogs writing about my life and inspirations.

I've knitted since I was little my grandma taught me how to knit but then I didn't do any for years until I decided to complete a degree in knitwear design which I loved. Once again when I graduated I didn't knit for ages with work and life over taking.

Since I’ve now turned 30 I’ve decide that I need that creative output. I know knit again mainly for friends and family I also bake and make jewellery while working full time for a bank and spending quality time with my husband.