Saturday 19 November 2011

Christmas is coming

Yet again I have been lax in blogging. My back is still poorly but is getting better slowly. I'm still off work so have spent lots of time crafting when not doing my physio. Both my best work friend and my brothers wife are expecting so I've been knitting lots of baby clothes and as everyone wants a surprise so far I've been knitting lots of white things as requested but  leaving the buttons until the new people have arrived.

I'm also trying desperately to stop smoking which has also improved my crafting speed by making Christmas trees from unwanted books. It is quite time consuming but its keeping my hands busy.

Last Christmas I was in hospital so this Christmas we are going all out. This tree was taken last December in the period between my disectomy and getting my infection. It doesn't look like we stand much chance of white Christmas this year if today's temperature is anything to go by but I can hope.

And here's Tiff all dressed up for Christmas two years ago.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Keeping busy

hanging cupcakes for sale at

This week has been a thinking and designing week.I've been knitting up samples and checking I've all I need in my stash without having to buy any new yarn. Which I have but if I do see some wool I like in the next few weeks at a reasonable price locally I wouldn't say no, as I'm short of wool that felts up nicely.

I've moved back home after almost 3 weeks as a guest at my parents, as Mr LCD is back from seeing his mum with about three kilos of peppers from his mums garden. I may slow roast see this recipe, or I'll have ago this week in between new physio exercises classes, catching up with the news from work, the dentist, counselling, starting Tai chi from my new DVD from amazon  , which has been recommended by the pain clinic as it gently brings back muscle strength in your core and finally knitting projects. 

It's good to have him back as he can take me to my appointments rather than my Dad  who I'm sure was getting fed up with ferrying me around, I'm still not driving. As I do nest all over the house I think Mum was ready for me to go, but I have left my knitting machine and a box full of yarn there as I will be going back for the night one day next week.

I've been working on some new packaging for my cupcakes and new tags for everything else so I've a cohesive collection which all works together.Everything seems to take so much time but it is satisfying when things get finished. 
Cupcakes not for sale yet

Monday 8 August 2011


I didn't realise how out of touch I've been with the blogespeare I've deleted all the old links that don't work. I'm kind of glad it wasn't just me that had neglected my blog., as 10 weeks in hospital will confirm but I do wonder where everyone else has gone.

I'll have to do some exploring after I've finished knitting up some c trees. Still not saying that word. I have knitted up thirty holly leaves today while watching Trollied which is on sky one on a Thursday nights at nine if you've not yet set your cable or sky recorder do it now it did make me laugh out loud which I don't do very often at the moment (it's the medication).

If you can recommend any sites let me know.

I have also baked today:

Lemon curd cupcakes:

Make a basic sponge recipe, if you normally add milk to your mix don't, as the base needs to be quite firm I doubled Nigella's recipe for cupcakes from the domestic goddess. . .Using a desert spoon  use half the mixture to fill 24 muffin tins/silicone molds. Then put a tea spoon of lemon curd either home made or shop bought in the center of each cake then using the remaining mixture cover up the lemon curd. Bake at 200c for 15/20 minutes. Try not to eat straight away as the lemon curd gets quite hot, hence the burn on the roof of my mouth. No pictures yet again as my brother visited.

Egg Tea cosie and egg cosy's available from

Sunday 7 August 2011

What I've been up to during the first week of August

I boxed up some cherry cupcakes for sale.
I helped a elderly neighbour walk her equally elderly King Charles spaniels.
I cuddled my brothers dog while she tried to eat my wool for a new project, mohair hats and mice anyone?
I knitted up lots of red wool to make stockings, not that I'm allowed to say the C word yet, but you have to plan ahead.
Found some baby hats stored away in my bedroom.
Had some physio and I've been given new exercises, now I'm feeling the pain.
Reduced some of my medication.  
Visited Hackwood Farm to reorganise my stall and check sales.

Following on from last week this week I have made an Orange meringue pie using store bought puff pastry, I know its lazy but I still can not stand for long periods. To make one yourself this is what I did, dry bake the pastry for about 20 mins at 180c (I'll let you do your own conversions)in the pie dish of your own choosing,covering the edges with foil and filling the case with baking beans(or dried peas in this case). Then the baking beans were emptied out and I placed it back in the oven for 3-5 more minutes to help dry out the base (no soggy pastry here.) Then using one jar of the orange curd I filled the case and then covered it with half the amount of meringue from the last post. I then sprinkles with icing sugar and put in the oven until the meringue started to go golden. It was served with natural yogurt as my Dad does not like his desserts too sweet. However I would appreciate it if you go mad as cream, fromage frais or ice-cream all blend with the flavours well. Alas I have no pictures as I was not quick enough to take a picture before it all disappeared.

I also knitted this blanket/throw from 100% wool the main panels were sourced from a lovely knitting shop at Breedon on the Hill nurseries. The hand knitted holey panels used up the remainder of the wool from my staithes holiday. I'm trying to talk my husband into visiting during the next bank holiday but he does not love North Yorkshire as much as I do and he won't even do the Dracula experience with me at Whitby which I think is just mean.

I have also sat and watched a few sunsets from Mum and Dad's back garden they really have the most spectacular view.  Especially as the sun goes down and the hares are hoping accross the field and the bats start coming out to play

Sunday 31 July 2011

Making use of the things around me

 I've had a good weekend and been back on my knitting machine after almost 12 months with no obvious side effects(yet).

 I am determined not to buy any new yarn for my stash that isn't 100% wool, and isn't from the Derbyshire/Leicestershire area. So I am making use of what I have, which this weekend is an abundance of wool and citrus fruit.

I am sewing up seams, which I hate as mixing machine knitted wool and hand knitted panels isn't labour intensive but my new pink blanket will be worth it once washed and felted. I'll share pictures soon.

To keep you interested I will share with you pictures of Harriet and Henry my hedgehogs now for sale at
  Both Hedgehogs are made from leftover end of balls of brown wool with a brown boucle yarn added to make very soft prickles.

Harriet and Harry the Hedgehogs bet you don't know which is which...

Mr LCD has gone to visit his Mum at home for a couple of weeks so I'm at my parents, which is kinda nice, I may of hit middle age according to Easy Living Magazine but my Dad still thinks I'm 16.

Before Mr LCD went away last week he visited our local Asian area in Derby and bought me so much fruit it would of never of been eaten before it turns. After a look around online I found two very good recipes for using up all the Oranges and Lemons he had bought.

Both recipes for Orange and Lemon curd can be made in the microwave in about 12 minutes, after zesting and juicing all the fruit. The Orange curd recipe can be found at; I doubled all the ingredients to make 4 Jars.

The lemon curd recipe was found here: It may of just been my lemons but the lemon curd is very tart and lovely not like the over sweetened shop bought varieties.

The left over egg whites from the orange curd recipe can be used to make a pavlova just big enough for three but will also use up the kiwi and nectarines that are on the verge of turning.

To Four egg whites I added 250g sugar ,1 tsp white wine vinegar and 2 tsp of corn flour, you can also add either half a tsp of vanilla extract, rose water or orange water if you wanted to. Then bake in a 150 degree oven for 40-55 minutes.The one I have baked tonight is about 15 cm in diameter when it went in the oven, the mixture does spread slightly. We will be eating it for tea once it has been decorated, with low fat Greek yogurt with one table spoon of homemade Lemon curd stirred through.Yum.I do love a good dessert.

Hope you all had a good weekend.

Friday 29 July 2011

Green Blanket finished at last

Using the wool I acquired from Saithes and a few odd Rowan cones I had in my stash I have now finished my first completely hand knitted blanket. It is slightly felted and cosy.

We visited Staithes in June and its now almost the end of July, I wouldn't say that I knitted seriously everyday but those last few stitches were a relief.

You may have notice the labels on the finished project. I have now a new stockist. You can now buy Lupin Cottage Designs products at

So if you find yourself in the Radbourne area pop in, the coffee is lovely and I can personally recommend the pork and Stilton pie. All the vegetables and other produce is locally sourced. The staff are very friendly and knowledgeable I've now been three times since it opened two weeks ago and trade is brisk. You can drink a mellow coffee in the farm courtyard next to the yard with chickens, a goat and occasional horse.

Friday 22 July 2011


staithes a view from our cottage

staithes with the tyded out

I am going to relaunch my knitting career.

I have been knitting not been sharing as it's been a tough 18 months with my back operations and infections and the drugs I've been taking affecting my concentration. But it's not all bad I've almost lost four stones which is a bonus.

I've had a week out in a cottage in Staithes North Yorkshire and got my mojo back. After finding a lovely craft shop with hand dyed and spun wool from the local area which I promptly snapped up in all the sea colours I could find I started knitting squares. I mixed the squares in with my gifted rowan cones of yarn and I've finished my blanket and now I need to gently wash it so it slightly felts to make it cosy and soft.I now need a sunny day to photograph it.

So I'm going to start selling again and set up my own website as well.So get ready taking new photos tomorrow and I'll let you know my thoughts.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Still poorly

I cannot believe it's been almost a year since my last post.

Since that post my disk prolapsed again and I spent the year in a painkiller haze.

I am currently in hospital and have been here since the 14 December 2010 and I am going to be here until at least the 20 January 2011. I have had an infection that will not go away. I am allowed to visit home in the afternoons between drips full of antibiotics which has been keeping me sane.

I have not yet had a Christmas, I feel like I have ruined the holiday season for my husband and parents.

However, things will get better and I have read quite a few books and started a few new craft projects.

My new years resolution is to do things I enjoy and to blog more.