Thursday 25 September 2008

once a week is an improvement

This week I've been busy thinking of Christmas presents Amazon UK have 50% off cook books at the moment including pre-order for the new Nigella and Jamie books which 'll make great presents for a couple of people I know.I might keep the Nigella for me through.
I've also knitted a cushion cover.

Tip if you've not enough yarn left to do the turn over, tie your cushion shut with a couple of ribbons and then they are easy to remove when washing. Pretty and practical.

I've started knitting a set of wash cloths for my mum's new kitchen. Easy to knit in squares using any double sided pattern in any cotton yarn you have left over a great way to use up odd balls of yarn you have left over. I knit mine on a size 10 needle and cast on about 40 stitches then knit till it's square cast off all but the last 4 stitches then knit those until you have enough to make a loop.

Finally I've been making pincushions as a stocking filler which may turn it's self into a sewing kit for my brothers girlfriend.

Thursday 18 September 2008

I've blog guilt

My blog guilt is not blogging enough. Ideally in my head I would blog twice a week, which should be reasonable but the weeks disappear and it's been 3 weeks since my last post.

I have been busy getting my kitchen fitted and decorating my studio, so it is a studio not a dumping ground getting shelves put up so i can easily find my bits and pieces, sorting my odds and ends of wool the usual.

By the way has anyone any idea what to do with 50 cakes of chenille in miss matched colours, I'm waiting for inspiration I'm looking at it but nothing is arriving.

I've also been knitting tea cosies and cakes but alas my cameras not downloading onto my PC so you've had to wait. I've had to borrow my brothers on a semi permanent loan until Christmas where fingers crosses three months of wining will mean Santa brings me a camera.

The first two are from the same design as found on ravelry but you can get it by following this link .The third was knitted by my mum with yarn from my stash and decorated with pom poms and the fourth is a new design I'm working on and I hope to have the pattern to share soon.