Sunday 7 August 2011

What I've been up to during the first week of August

I boxed up some cherry cupcakes for sale.
I helped a elderly neighbour walk her equally elderly King Charles spaniels.
I cuddled my brothers dog while she tried to eat my wool for a new project, mohair hats and mice anyone?
I knitted up lots of red wool to make stockings, not that I'm allowed to say the C word yet, but you have to plan ahead.
Found some baby hats stored away in my bedroom.
Had some physio and I've been given new exercises, now I'm feeling the pain.
Reduced some of my medication.  
Visited Hackwood Farm to reorganise my stall and check sales.

Following on from last week this week I have made an Orange meringue pie using store bought puff pastry, I know its lazy but I still can not stand for long periods. To make one yourself this is what I did, dry bake the pastry for about 20 mins at 180c (I'll let you do your own conversions)in the pie dish of your own choosing,covering the edges with foil and filling the case with baking beans(or dried peas in this case). Then the baking beans were emptied out and I placed it back in the oven for 3-5 more minutes to help dry out the base (no soggy pastry here.) Then using one jar of the orange curd I filled the case and then covered it with half the amount of meringue from the last post. I then sprinkles with icing sugar and put in the oven until the meringue started to go golden. It was served with natural yogurt as my Dad does not like his desserts too sweet. However I would appreciate it if you go mad as cream, fromage frais or ice-cream all blend with the flavours well. Alas I have no pictures as I was not quick enough to take a picture before it all disappeared.

I also knitted this blanket/throw from 100% wool the main panels were sourced from a lovely knitting shop at Breedon on the Hill nurseries. The hand knitted holey panels used up the remainder of the wool from my staithes holiday. I'm trying to talk my husband into visiting during the next bank holiday but he does not love North Yorkshire as much as I do and he won't even do the Dracula experience with me at Whitby which I think is just mean.

I have also sat and watched a few sunsets from Mum and Dad's back garden they really have the most spectacular view.  Especially as the sun goes down and the hares are hoping accross the field and the bats start coming out to play

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