Sunday, 20 April 2008

I'm back

I'm sorry I've been gone so long life took over and I neglected my blog.

Since I last posted I've had a birthday, my brother gave a cocktail party for me, a wedding anniversary (six years if you can believe it), my ghd's broke and have now been replaced, I managed to put my mobile phone through the wash, I've had a trip to Bath, I've visited the Continental market in Derby and finally I got soil for my garden.

I had a lovely birthday with family and friends. My brother arranged for people to come who've I've not seen for years which was a lovely surprise. I've no pictures of the party or cake which was very sophisticated until the boys who were the bar men of the evening started drinking shots and Tiff my brothers puppy managed to eat my birthday cake, the dips and Becky's chocolate brownies.

I also got soil delivered for my garden at last I've been waiting to order it since last summer but it was so wet and miserable all summer we didn't get round to doing the garden. I'd ordered two tons of soil which Mr LCD and my Dad thought might be too much to fill my one raised flower bed. It arrived, I paid my money and when my husband saw what had been delivered he had a fit. I will freely admit I've no spatial awareness. I cannot park in small car parking spaces even through I've a relatively small car I think I need enough space to park a limousine. I'd actually received about seven tonnes of soil which maybe no problem if you've an acre to fill but I had one raised bed. My Dad came to help Mr LCD move the soil and I phoned everyone I'd ever met to offer free top soil, We eventually managed to get rid of all of it but I did come very close to crying that morning especially as it was the morning after my cocktail party and because it kept raining and hailing on us.

I've had a trip to Bath with my Mum where we had a lovely day being proper tourists, we traveled on the open top sightseeing tour visiting all the sights and shopping. We visited the Cath Kidson store where I treated myself to a new book. It is worth noting that Nicolas Cage has just bought a house in Bath and Johnny Depps kids go to school there so it maybe worth going just in case you spot both of the most attractive men I can think of.

I wish I'd taken more pictures as it is a beautifully town and I'd like to go again but stay for a couple of days rather than trying to fit it all into six hours. I think Mr LCD and myself will have a weekend away in the summer as he'll love it.

We had a continental market in Derby this week. As well as international sellers there were independent farms from England. My Mum and I really treated ourselves and had the most lovely lunch. We started with home made Greek bread filled with feta and herbs.

Olives filled with blanched almonds. Hand made smoked cheese, and peperoni sausage.

I also treated myself to some purple sprouting broccoli from this stall;

And for dessert a lovely walnut layer cake from this stall;

Have you ever seen muffins so big I was very very tempted.

I have also been knitting I got my mums vest finished and the lavender cupcakes I'm half way through a new tea cosie and I'm thinking about cashmere cushions in beige with great big turquoise flowers for my lounge.

I'll have pictures at the end of the week which I'll share I promise I won't be gone so long.


saraeden said...

So glad your back and a belated Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary !!
It sounds like you have had a busy time !!

Sara x x

Just Original said...

Glad your back, but it seems like you have been one busy lady!