Tuesday, 4 September 2007


I don't know where the week has gone. I do know I did lots of extra shifts at work last week which now means I've got almost every Saturday off in September. This is a huge bonus, two day weekends are fab.

Today I'm not really going to post anything crafty but I'm going to share what I did last Thursday.

I went charity shop shopping with my mum and even through I wasn't going to purchase anything I found this fantastic tea set for £2.75, with tiny pink roses and a gold trim. There's 13 pieces in all and I love it. D isn't quite so impressed but I won't be having afternoon tea with him as he's far too manly for cucumber sandwiches.

I found a lovely knitting book with toys and cake instructions, which I'll have a go at this autumn.

I also got a couple of old sewing boxes which were filled with vintage buttons and threads but I was so eager to sort them out I haven't got any photos.

Next time I post I'll have some knitting to show I promise.

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